Megan's Profile

  • Dec 31, 1969
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Latest comments made by: Megan

  • As a Windows user with an iPod who considers herself very computer-savvy, I hate to break it to you, but for the most part, PC users are unlikely to make the jump. Why? Because Mac doesn't support anything. And you've made the biggest reason painfully clear -- MacHeads are elitist. They are possibly the most elitist group out there, right behind old-school U2 fans. Seriously, though. When people see my with my iPod (with non-iPod headphones, as the earbuds caused me great physical pain, and I don't like pain unless there is more leather involved) they eventually ask me what is my platform, and I tell them Windows XP and Windows 2000. And if they are PC users, they nod. If they are Maccers, I get The Look. The Look of Superiority. Do I like the flaws of Microsoft? No, I don't. I hate them, in fact. I hate the sudden crashes, the cryptic error messages (but no more cryptic than a single folder with a flashing exclamation point!). But I use Mozilla, and I use the best programs to almost completely eliminate those problems, and I get to use all my favorite programs that otherwise I would not be able to use properly on a Mac. Until Mac can support the things that I love, I refuse to make the switch, no matter how much it will endear me to the 2% of the population that sports iBooks. I'll pick functionality over aesthetics any day. And I know how you feel about the Red Sox. Amen, brother.
    Megan had this to say on Feb 06, 2005 Posts: 1
    iPod Users: You Aren't Special Anymore