Apple’s iPod Battery Settlement, Explained

by Hadley Stern Jun 10, 2005

iPodlounge has gone ahead and done what Apple should have done in the first place, provide an excellent description of the recent iPod battery settlement. If you are confused about the settlement, Jeremy Horwitz clears things up.


  • The ipod battery “settlement” is a crock, designed to make money for the lawyers. I received my “settlment” letter today, instructing me to PAY $30 to ship my ipod back to apple so they can replace THEIR defective battery. NOT! Why should this cost me ANYTHING?

    cre8tiveguru had this to say on Jun 19, 2006 Posts: 1
  • tell me about it.  i skipped dealing with Apple and just bought a replacement battery for my iPod at [url=][/url] it works great and cost less than shipping it back to Apple.

    GreenApple123 had this to say on Aug 22, 2006 Posts: 2
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