September 13, 2000: Second Generation iBooks Debut

by Chris Seibold Sep 13, 2010

The first generation of iBooks came in either orange or blue, but people complained about the garish colors. So Apple released the iBook SE, a small revision that addressed those complaints by providing a gray option.

The first true revision of the iBooks came at the Apple Expo 2000. The updates were fairly predictable: DVD drive, upgraded processor, and the inclusion of FireWire. Prices started at $1,499.

The new iBooks also brought new colors. A subtly changed blue iBook was revealed (it was now called "indigo" instead of "blueberry") and the tangerine iBook was replaced by a "key lime" green iBook, a version that was deemed "too ugly for us to sell responsibly" by PowerMax.

The revised Books went on sale today in 2000.


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