buganamo's Profile

  • Mar 22, 2006
  • 3
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Latest comments made by: buganamo

  • BTW. just so you know that the concise nature of my previous comment was not that of some fearful, hurt mac zealot that can't deal with your prediction, but rather my view is founded in pure logic. Consider this: We (mankind) are on the verge of selling clothing whose very washable fabric will literally be display technology, in fact, we already have said technology (google "LEP" for light emitting polymers). Your shirt downloads streaming HD video to play on it's own fabric. No, LEP's were not made strictly for this, but, well... fine doubt me. What I just said is light years more plausible than your prediction. See also: OnStar. See also: LeapFrog learning technologies. See also: Microwaves that tell you to enjoy your meal. See also: Cell-phones that run Java3D off nVidia chips. That said, tell me: WTF is the difference between new technology/consumer-elec's and computers? NOTHING. NOT A GOD-DAMN THING. Oops, you're a dumbass. Honestly, I'd usually take more time to debate, but it wouldn't do any good. The more you write, the more your site gets lumped into that category of "damn, you really CAN find all kinds of stupid bullshit on the internet."
  • Dude, you're a *****in' moron. Go get a real job in technology and study some brand strategy. Your proposition is nothing short of pure comedy.
  • It might make sense to study some brand strategy before you make such ridiculous assumptions. I don't think it will be 2010, it will be about another decade from now, but for sure before 2020. Here's why: Apple will abandon only their CURRENT implementation of hardware offerings, because by then 'thin will be in' (Thin-Client) and that will be the nature of the world's PC's. What makes Apple strong is not green computers, or iPods or PowerPC or Intel... ...it's that they 'get it.' They, unlike literally EVERY other tech company out there (except Nintendo), know that it's about taking the abstract and making it concrete. It's about overall integration, and how you translate the emotion generated by an iPod into the exact same perception of what it means to make a family album. Now, when many people think of sharing their vacation, they think iMovie or iPhoto. THAT is the point. I've seen people say that Mac should advertise OS X. HELL NO. That's not the point: that segregates elements. SHOW THE WHOLE THING. It doesn't necessarily mean buy everything, it means "imagine how sweet the world could be if everything just worked, the same way as though it would in real life." Think tangible. That's what they mean when they say Think Different. It's like saying "Imagine this: THE DAMN THING WORKS LIKE SOMETHING ON YOUR REAL DESK." Drag and drop. Expose. iPod click-wheel. These subtleties are what make strong, and it's how they do it right. I keep seeing people try to mimic Expose with 3D trackball window crap. Give up, go home. Wrong answer. Windows are 2D, the clutter problem is 2D, so the solution is 2D. WTF good is it seeing a flat window from the side (I don't care how think or with what title across it's 'spine' ) if I've got 50 windows open (which I usually do). Who the hell, other than WoW players, will be able to use a 3D trackball for windows!? About 50% of computer users get dizzy from fullscreen spinning 3D stuff!!! By the time Apple stops selling hardware, EVERYONE will be buying their computers from some privatized govt sector that's put a bunch of eavesdropping caveats on the sheer notion of using a computer. Apple's ceasure of selling hardware is TOTALLY contradictory to its core principles. Even suggesting such a thing proves how little the owner of this blog knows about brand strategy.
    buganamo had this to say on Mar 22, 2006 Posts: 3
    Five Reasons Why There Will Be No Macs in 2010