gate's Profile

  • Nov 24, 2005
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Latest comments made by: gate

  • dickrichards2000, thanks. I think I should go to a store and ask for a demo of Motion. I really want to use Motion with many layers of graphics and video and I don't want to regret my purchase.
    gate had this to say on Oct 24, 2005 Posts: 3
    Don't Buy A Quad G5
  • I'm still hesitating about buying a Quad. Since I want to use Motion, I'm really not sure than an iMac can handle the job. I also need some power to make sure that I can use many tracks in GarageBand. So I guess I'm gonna buy it but that 20 inch 2.1 Ghz iMac is really tempting.
    gate had this to say on Oct 24, 2005 Posts: 3
    Don't Buy A Quad G5
  • "And even though those sites are sometimes quoting from Windows related sites, I’m getting a distorted view of the world" If you take the time to talk with Windows users who don't know much about the Mac (and sometimes it is people who are in charge of a huge IT department with hundreds of Windows computers), you're gonna realize that they have a VERY VERY VERY distorted view of what the Mac really is. There are many myths about the Mac and they know them all. I mean they think that it's the truth. It is VERY sad. Where I work (I'm a video editor), we switched from Mac to PC 3 years ago (believe me it was against my will) because the new IT guy in place was afraid of Unix. He knew next to nothing about the Mac and he took a decision that affected my work and the pleasure I had to work. My job used to be fun. It is way less exciting now. So yes, Mac users (who are in general more interested about their platform than their Windows counterpart) get a distorted view of the reality but I'm pretty sure that it's even worse in the Windows world. I've been a victim of that. I would certainly take a pay cut to go back on a Mac at my job. Please God do something.
    gate had this to say on Aug 10, 2005 Posts: 3
    Do Macs exist?