Spaces Knows When You Are Slacking Off

by Tanner Godarzi Nov 30, 2007

Spaces is a godsend for Leopard users who prefer mini sized screens that allow you to reclaim lost pixels while being able to utilize more full screen windows. Unfortunately, Spaces likes to nag me a lot and oftentimes attempts to break my bad habit of procrastination.

I wouldn’t be writing this if this problem cropped up on one Mac, but it happens on three. This stalking-like nature of Spaces has caused me to fear my Mac, but apparently it knows when I am typing up something important and it will play a game that I never manage to win. I doubt I’ll be able to best Spaces at the maniacal tricks it pulls.

It goes something like this: I can be rocking to the Nine Inch Nails and reading through RSS feeds when everything is perfectly fine. The second I open Text Edit or Pages, Spaces initializes its black humor and plagues me with productivity. Switching to any other Space will inevitably bring me back to the one that holds all of my word editors and spreadsheet creators.

Very ironic if you ask me, since my Mac has taken it upon itself to imitate a PC. Now, if that wasn’t bad enough, Spaces will eventually stop working! Madness, you must be saying, but reader it is true.

Click on Safari and I’ll be in Safari but Spaces will never switch me over. Click on iTunes, same thing. Click on Text Edit, I can now edit text. My imprisonment of productivity and text editing is a paradise envisioned only by those who preach the use of GTD (Getting Things Done).

This is not something that excites me, as I want to create extravagant movies of my pets in iMovie and then burn them in iDVD with pretty visual crossfades utilizing the Ken Burns effect. I don’t want to be dictated to in what I can and cannot do.

And yes, I’ve tried switching the Space designation for these apps. My only recourse is to disable Spaces, but doing so eradicates the high hopes and praise I had for such a well implemented solution to utilize smaller screen space.

Whether this a bug or my retail DVD of Leopard is possessed by PETA for Apple’s use of an endangered animal on their boxes I will never know. All I know is this: someone needs to reclaim their sanity by having this same flaw.

10.5.2, where art thou?


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