Brendan Baldwin's Profile

  • Nov 16, 2005
  • 1
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Latest comments made by: Brendan Baldwin

  • So why can exactly are you able to listen to music on your iPod and not Podcasts? Is it that you only listen to your iPod for 3 minutes at a time to hear a single song? Or is it perhaps that you just aren't really all that interested in any of the Podcasts you've heard? Nothing wrong with that. Personally, I listen to a lot more Podcasts (everything on IT Conversations, Democracy Now, and several others) than I do music. Just suits me better. I usually listen while I'm at work or commuting by bus in the morning. Also I listen while cleaning, doing laundry, washing dishes, or cooking. There's lots of time to listen without having to schedule an hour to sit under a tree.
    Brendan Baldwin had this to say on Nov 16, 2005 Posts: 1
    Does timeshifting work?