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  • Sep 29, 2005
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  • Why is Apple market dominance a welcome change for Mac fans while Microsoft market dominance remains evil? While this may seem hypocritical at first, the fact is that the primary reason that Microsoft is loathed (not just by Apple fans) is because they see the Windows OS as an inferior product, and it is repugnant that such an inferior product would dominate the market so completely. In other words, whether they realize it or not, they think market dominance is OK if it is the superior product is doing it. Because the iPod is perceived by many as being the best there is, it *should* dominate. "what is worth billions today will be worth tens of billions in the future as the market grows...any company that can capture a majority of the growth leaving Apple with only current users would soon outgrow the Cupertino conglomerate." I think this misses the point. New market entrants need not have over 50% of market share (or even exceed Apple's market share, whatever that is at the time) in order to consider themselves successful. As the author points out, the market is unlikely to stagnate for a very long time, and any new company who achieves even a 5% market share should consider themselves to be wildly successful. had this to say on Sep 02, 2005 Posts: 1
    iPod Nation? Not the Best Idea