HellStorm's Profile

  • May 15, 2006
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Latest comments made by: HellStorm

  • I have purchased three "IPOD" types - because technically they are the best players out there. The fact that they are made by Apple, a company I despise, is just one of the facts of life one must deal with. I have found hacks and programs and utils on the 'net that allow me to copy, move, organize my music (I pay for it and it is MINE ) to anywhere and to as many places as I need (I paid for it, so I will take it with me where ever I choose to) Apple's membership in the RIAA and their unlimited support for the same has put my next purchase on hold. I will wait to see the next gen of non-apple products before buying the newest pod for 2006. My main issue with Apple and the rest of the poseurs who climb on the wagon is just this: You buy it YOU own it and NO ONE should tell you how to use it. period. Music, books, Ipods, cars and movies - I own it, I have the right to copy, move, use as many times as I want to - Sales not included. "Opportunity Loss" is a concept the Harvard Business School started in '81 (I was there) to excuse poor business management and put the onus on the customers. There can be no loss without a "loss". A lost oppportunity is a failure of management, not of the consumer. Anyway, I liked both articles - keep it up - getting more than one point of view is what keeps us all informed Primemage