IstvanWolf's Profile

  • Sep 30, 2005
  • 1
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Latest comments made by: IstvanWolf

  • What if part of the reason that most people *don't* care about technology is the poor design of Microsoft products, which dominate the market? Even the less technically-minded people who use Macs regularly (at least the people I've encountered) seem relatively at ease with the technology. They aren't upset all the time about "where'd my file go?" or "why's it doing that?" (the latter which I frequently yell at my Windows boxes). It's really hard to know which is the cause and which is the effect: are people less attune to technology because MS is poorly designed, or did Windows get away with worse designs because most people don't care about technology at all. Just a thought. Part of the reason I bring this up is the excellent book by Alan Cooper, 'The Inmates are Running the Asylum'.
    IstvanWolf had this to say on Sep 30, 2005 Posts: 1
    Frustration at Redmond