MChieh's Profile

  • Dec 31, 1969
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Latest comments made by: MChieh

  • I wish Apple didn't try to make the iPod a personal organizer b/c features like the Clock and Calendar with Event Alarms are draining the battery a whole lot faster than it should. Before the 1.2 updater came out, my iPod could retain its battery charge for days, even weeks, without ever having to recharge. Now, if I only use it for an hour and then let it sit there unpowered for a couple of days, the battery is already drained. That's pretty bad for the battery b/c once it's drained, it won't ever retain its charge like it used to, even if Apple did something with a new updater. The battery basically becomes bad and can't be replaced without really having to risk breaking the iPod and shelling out a good amount of money. I was happy with the iPod being just an MP3 player.
    MChieh had this to say on Jan 18, 2003 Posts: 1
    Apple, the iPod Isn't Finished!