Stewrat's Profile

  • Apr 14, 2006
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Latest comments made by: Stewrat

  • I pledge to remind myself daily that no matter how much money I spend and how often I spend it, owning a plastic box will never make me one bit smarter, prettier, richer, cooler, hipper or somehow better than other people who have spent money on a different hunk of plastic which is hurtling towards obsolescence just as quickly as mine. I pledge to remind myself that apple itself has broken more pledges over the years to its customers than any comercial electronics company in history. I pledge to remind myself that being a member of the Steve Jobs sycophantic/apologist society helps no one except his banker. And Bill. Friends: It's just a computer. If you are relying on it to affirm your self worth you are pathetic suckers. And if you are a pathetic sucker, does my pal Stevie have a marketing campaign just for you! Now can we get back to actually using computers for that which they were designed. Hint: It ISN'T kool kidz merit badges. It's amazing we eek out 04% at all.
    Stewrat had this to say on Apr 12, 2006 Posts: 1
    Take the No Windows-Booting Pledge