arton's Profile

  • Aug 19, 2005
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Latest comments made by: arton

  • I actually like what a lot of people call inconsistency. I call it variety, and it helps keep the OS experience more interesting. It also provides more options, so that different solutions can be used for different problems. I get bored just using a windows pc, plus they're about as inconsistent as you can get, with two completely different interfaces. One that's absolutely boring, and lets you discover all the Wizzards as you go, and one that's slightly less boring, albiet quite ugly and in the way, which force Wizzards upon you at every turn. I prefer the clean varied lines of OSX with thoughtfully chosen (for the most part) solutions to various problems. As for the Command-N thing, it makes total sense to me. The equivalent of a new document in some applications is a new window (ie Safari). At least Apple chose to organize their menu system in a cohesive way.