jackwhispers's Profile

  • http://jackwhispers.blogspot.com
  • Aug 09, 2005
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Latest comments made by: jackwhispers

  • My contention is that just because a rumor is right - doesn't mean it wasn't made up in th first place. Its similar to the “rumor” that Apple will unveil a 2 button mouse. That rumor is 20 years old if its a day. But if Apple released on tommorrow people like you would be saying “whats the big deal? that rumor has been around for years.” But that rumor exists because Apple has a patent and that's what a lot of people have wanted - so therefore - a rumor that Apple is going to release a two button mouse - it doesn't actually mean they are - but the rumors sites would have you believe they are more accurate (without luck) - so as to gain advertising dollar and "we told you so" rights.
    jackwhispers had this to say on Jun 13, 2005 Posts: 2
    Apple Switching Back to PowerPC?
  • I think this article was well thought out but the flaw is this ... the PowerPC was NEVER meant to have constant speed increases. It is more for embedded markets. Hence this is the reason Microsoft wants to use it, Sony will use it, and Nintendo will use it. It's the reason Daimler Chrysler uses it their car onboard computers and Cisco uses it in their routers. The PowerPC is more dependant on the complimentary architechture. IE, Hypertransport, Multiple processors, Firewire, Serial ATA, level 3 cache, and efficient SOFTWARE! Industries that rely and will rely on the PowerPC/Cell rely on consistency - they like to build around a brain, not build a new brain every 6-9 months. Intel is just the opposite. Since their processors are put in all sorts of UNCONTROLLED configurations - the processor itself has to continue to increase in speed. In my opinion, Apple will NEVER move back to a RISC processor - that is until a paradigm shift in computers takes place - probably OS XX - which brings about a no GUI, voice controlled, brain transmitted OS! To address the comment by blurgh: The rumors of Marklar (OSX on PCs) was just that - this is NOT OSX on PCs - it is OSX running on Intel processors. It is also a logical deduction for a rumor to say such. Steve Jobs just pointed that out to be humorous.
    jackwhispers had this to say on Jun 13, 2005 Posts: 2
    Apple Switching Back to PowerPC?