mickelsp's Profile

  • Mar 15, 2006
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Latest comments made by: mickelsp

  • This is only pertinent to your footnote regarding the Richter scale: there's no maximum, so it doesn't stop at 10. The scale is a logarithmic scale, where each number means there is 10 times as much energy as the previous number. So, if you mean that Mighty Mouse had ten times more impact than the other things, then 11 on the Richter scale is correct. Earthquakes don't usually make it up to 10 because that's a whole heck of a lot of energy. If you think about it, a 10 on the Richter scale is 10,000 times higher than your "standard" 6.0 earthquake.
    mickelsp had this to say on Nov 09, 2005 Posts: 1
    Is the Western PC is dead?