wildebeest's Profile

  • Aug 03, 2005
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Latest comments made by: wildebeest

  • Chris is right. It's of course not only about the internet. Information Technology more and more interpenetrates all areas and aspects of our lives. Home, business, industry, traffic, science, military etc. etc. - computers are omnipresent and that is why TC/DRM will be so too (if we let it happen). How does TC/DRM actually benefit the consumer? Great question indeed. Why buy, if there are no substantial benefits including the absence of severe drawbacks??? I really wonder why it should be advantageous for me that the producers of my hardware and software have root access to my computer and data. How do I benefit from someone being able to prevent me from accessing my data with an application other than the one I used to create it? A competitive market guarantees that consumers have the choice among the most innovative, creative, exiting products and solutions at a fair price. In what ways does TC/DRM promote competition, innovation and creativity for the benefit of the consumer? How will TC/DRM affect free choice and the prices of what is left to choose from? It looks like in truth it will be TCG and the content industry who benefit from TC/DRM while locked-in consumers keep paying more for less. Why would anybody buy anything with TC/DRM in it if he does not get really profound answers for why TC/DRM, closed standards and closed source is a better choice than clean hardware, open standards and open source. Advantages of Open Source Software http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~pev5b/writing/econ_oss/advantages.html Open source has forever changed the software industry and is leading the way into a new era. It is changing the fundamentals of how organizations evaluate, purchase and deploy information systems. Certain entities seem unwilling or unable to develop new business models and to keep up with the times. That's why they think they need power and control over consumers. vb_baysider says that most of us are knowledgeable about technology and able to see what's happening. This fact alone puts responsibility for our unsuspecting friends on us. Our friends might be dealing with other things in life and don't even have a chance to recognize what's happening. We are more powerful if we start spreading the word together. Each of us is able to summarize the essence of what we know and make our voice be heard. One approach might be to identify appropriate places on the web, adapt your message to your audience and post it. Send your message to your friends and be ready to address their questions and concerns. No question, chicken-hearted alarmists are a pain in the neck. As Chris suggested, a path of watchful awareness and careful vigilance, in-depth assessment and appropriate action is much more effective and credible. This way we launch an avalanche which will create an unstoppable force - a force that will make the difference that we want to make.
  • This looks like just one of the tips of the "trusted computing iceberg” for which the blissfully unaware global consumer titanic is heading (and vice versa). Check the website of computer security expert Ross Anderson. He gives a riveting underwater view of this iceberg and its true dimensions: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.html For now it is still us citizens who are deciding if this trusted computing & digital rights management technology that is currently in the pipelines will find its way into our computers. Our foresight will allow the majority to decide which way we all will go. Where we put our money is what will make the difference. Those responsible know this. This is why well informed and critical citizens are a thorn in the side of those who would like to gain control of our computers, our data, of the internet and who knows what else. What can we do? We can act like free and responsible citizens. We can question information that is presented to us, we can research, we can inform other people, we can learn from each other and develop a sense of solidarity. Working with legitimately acquired hardware, software and media content, we can create alternatives now. For instance, a dual-boot installation including a Mac OS & Gentoo Linux or Yellow Dog might be a first step (if you want to try something besides Mac then check Suse Linux – it's really cool). Keeping old hardware in safe custody is also a good idea. Open source can work with manufacturers of clean hardware and can handle the intellectual property threat. Each one of us can create demand for clean hardware, open standards and open source. We are the people, we are the customers, we are the users, we are the internet! If a sufficient number of citizens develops a common consciousness then this will be the most powerful lobby imaginable. A lobby of citizens for citizens ensures that we all continue to be able and allowed to freely exchange ideas, opinions and information through the internet, and in general. LINKS Ross Anderson's Website at University Of Cambridge http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rja14 Wikipedia – Trusted Computing Group (TCG/TCPA) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_computing Wikipedia - Digital Rights Management http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management Against TCPA http://www.againsttcpa.com/index.shtml Trusted Computing Group – Official Website https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/home Trusted Computing Group – Current Members https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/about/members The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) http://www.anti-dmca.org Privacy International http://pi.gn.apc.org Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) http://www.eff.org SCO - Microsoft - Linux controversies http://www.answers.com/topic/sco-linux-controversies Groklaw – SCO lawsuits made understandable for non-lawyers http://www.groklaw.net Jul 2005: Why Bill Gates Wants 3,000 New Patents http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050731/ZNYT01/507310420/1001/BUSINESS Jul 2005: Intel to cut Linux out of the content market http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=24638 Sep 2003: Sun Vice President – Open Standards Matter More http://www.computerworld.com/softwaretopics/software/story/0,10801,84804,00.html?from=story_picks Mike Godwin, EFF: "I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though she's too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I worry that 10 or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'"