xenedar's Profile

  • Jul 01, 2006
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Latest comments made by: xenedar

  • "No-one... without... knowing about it" was correct. With "not knowing", you triple-negatived your way to Apple not knowing. "without ... not knowing" says that they are kept in the dark. "without ... knowing" says that they find out when it happens.
    xenedar had this to say on Jul 01, 2006 Posts: 2
    9 Mac OS X Leopard Rumors
  • Sorry, but this is more of a list of "Windows does things this way, 95% of desktop computers are Windows, ergo, Apple should do it this way." Many of these things are things that Windows does WRONG. On no other operating system anywhere, do folders sort first. it doesn't even make sense. Sort alpabetially - EXCEPT folders. Sort by date modified - EXCEPT folders. Why not have everything grouped together? Open your documents and have folders then text files then Word documents then GIFs then JPEGs then Excel spreadsheets then HTML files then PowerPoint presentations.....? All sorted alphabetically of course. Nope, that's inconsistent UI experience. And that's what Apple has tried to avoid. Not always successfully, but they have strived for it. The crazy thing with the keyboard commands (Alt-C vs Command-C) is that Apple was there first (see: Apple Macintosh 128k, circa 1984). Why shouldn't Windows therefore change to the Mac way of doing it? Tooltips, tooltips, everywhere tooltips. They are annoying and I already know what their respective buttons do. If I use a program all day, why would I want larger, more detailed, and more prevalent tooltips? Get out of my way, I want to use the program not be reminded of stuff I already know. And that's Apple's general design theme. Don't get in the way of the user. Which is why the Mac just does stuff for you without an absurd "Wizard". There are Wizards that only have one functional panel, bookended by the "Welcome to the Something Wizard" and the "Completing the Something Wizard". I have also seen a "Welcome to the 'Completing the OtherThing Wizard'" - a Wizard that helps you finish off another Wizard. Windows seems to be astonished that it is able to finish most tasks (offering congratulations to an unimpressed user).
    xenedar had this to say on Jul 01, 2006 Posts: 2
    What OS X Could Learn From Windows