The Mouse Roars

by Chris Howard Aug 02, 2005

Not long ago on Apple Matters, one of their astute (or maybe lucky) writers suggested Apple needed not a two-button mouse, but a multi-button mouse. The article was What OS X could learn from Windows.

In an article that posed five other suggestions for Apple, that suggestion generated the most controversy and comment. Not the multi-button mind you, but the suggestion Apple desert the single-button mouse that had for 20 years, been an icon of what it meant to be a Mac user. Kind of like a rallying flag. You could just imagine the battle flag of the Mac legions bearing, not a Mac, but a one button mouse. In this simple device, were all the philosophies of Macdom - simplicity, ease of use, being different, being innovative, defiance.

And now, in one fell swoop, Apple have reset the playing field. They’ve switched decks on us again. We have to change another argument about why we are Mac users. We are getting to the point where the only difference will be the OS - and I’m just fine with that.

A Mighty Mouse
Here’s how Apple broke the news to world and shattered another myth:

With up to four programmable buttons, Mighty Mouse makes it easy to access key features of Tiger with the side buttons and Scroll Ball providing quick, one-click access to Spotlight, Dashboard and Exposé.

Sound familiar? Here’s what was in that article:

3) A multi button mouse. And you thought I’d say two. Why stop at two? Especially with things like Exposé, Dashboard and Spotlight. They’re just crying out for single click activation from a mouse.

That article was written with no prior knowledge of Apple’s plans, including a forgotten rumor on Apple Insider in March, which I didn’t turn up until several days after my article was released.

And now, much sooner than expected Apple has, as desired by me and a few others, given us a multi-button mouse to access things like Spotlight, Dashboard and Exposé from a single click.

There were many, many responses to that article - mostly about the mouse. Several people posting comments indicated they did not want button-bloat. A few others said a mouse that worked like a single or multi-button mouse would be good. Maybe Apple has made both of these groups happy as this mouse can be one, two, three or four button. Whatever takes you fancy. But I reckon they’ll start using the other buttons before long.

Several though voiced very strong concerns about ergonomics and software ease of use being compromised - suggesting developers could become lazy. I trust this won’t happen - especially as developers have had context menus for years.

It’s interesting to note, that the side buttons on Apple’s single button mouse have always been there - I’ve tried pressing them many times to no avail. How long have Apple been planning this? Have they planned this from the beginning of the redesigned one-button mouse - like the Intel switch which was planned for from the beginnings of OS X?

And it upholds the ideals of simplicity, ease of use, being different, being innovative - whilst defiantly challenging the PC world to do better.

The Mighty Mouse, although the name doesn’t grab me, certainly grabs me on looks. The Apple designers at their best yet again. And it’s got a scroll wheel that I wanted too! I want one!

What’s it mean?
This isn’t a chance to gloat. Sitting alone in a dimly lit room, there’s no one here to pat my back and say “Good onya, mate!” But that’s cool - since there’s still another five requests on that list that could become egg on my face.

Rather, this is a chance to take stock of Apple. Who are Apple, 2005? How many “nevers” have been tossed aside in the last six months alone? An x86 Mac; A flash based iPod; A cheap Mac; A multi-button Mouse. Hell’s looking decidedly cold. What’s next? iPod’s that play videos are strongly rumored. And what after that? OS X licensed to Dell? The Apple keyboard modifier keys changed to match Windows’? This is a new Apple that is letting go of the past when it sees it doesn’t need to hold onto it. This is an Apple that is prepared to change. This is an Apple that really does want a much larger slice of the PC market. This is an Apple of who you really should never say never.

This Apple is about making great products that really are accessible to everyone. That is the key. That is Apple 2005.

I guess I can take my flame-proof vest off now.

Thanks Steve, I owe you a beer.


  • Beeblebrox,

    Why do you insist on putting words into the mouths of the so-called “fanatics”?

    A quote from the Apple VP of PRODUCT MARKETING is your “evidence”

    See?  You took Paul’s quote out of context just to be a jerk. Paul said he believed Apple’s design was to keep simplicity and still satisfy multi-button mouse users.  Then he found a quote from the Apple VP that confirmed his opinion—that Apple’s design goal was to keep the one-button mouse simplicity and yet still provide additional functionality…. and then you take his quote comepletely out of context just to be an ass.  And then you start calling people sycophants and zeolots just be to a bigger ass.

    Perhaps you are a computing professional, but you post as if you’re some immature 14 year old troll.

    All some of us have said all along is that we like Apple’s KISS philosophy and don’t want them to change that to suit Windows users. They’ve now released a mouse that maintains KISS, but still gives advanced users the features they like. It’s still basically a “one button” mouse. So, yes, we think it’s a neat idea.

    Am I running out to buy one?  No, I like my Logitech. It doesn’t have side scrolling, but it does a couple other things I like.

    And, for the record, I believe most of us have never given a damn what kind of chip was under the hood as long as we don’t have to give up OS X and it helps Apple grows marketshare. I think most Mac users haven’t cared all that much about the announcement.  It seems the Mac-bashers are the ones that have been making the most noise about it.

    Now let’s examine your “emerging pattern”:

    Before: Apple sucks because they haven’t released a multi-button mouse.

    After:  Apple’s multi-button mouse sucks. Everyone else has had one for years.

    You seem to enjoy railing against Apple simply because you want to play the irritating curmudgeon… to put nicely. I could have chose many other words that came to mind.

    vb_baysider had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 243
  • Beeblebrox, I stopped posting in that thread for a while because I got sick of your own brand of zealotry.  Anyway, you managed to screw up what I said yet again… what a surprise.  My comment was that bundling a multi-button mouse was a bad decision.  Apple isn’t bundling Mighty Mouse with any of their computers.  I suppose they will at some point because, with this design, they appear to be eating their cake and having it, too.  As has been said before, this is essentially a one-button mouse that can be used as a multi-button mouse if desired.  That’s by far the most interesting thing about it IMO.  I’ll try it out soon; it looks like it could replace both my Apple Pro Mouse and my Logitech MX 518.

    lavar78 had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 38
  • Now now everyone!! Divergent opinions are well-liked on Apple Matters. I enjoy reading the back and forth as much as anyone. But let’s keep it on track. And I really don’t think Beeblebrox is a troll at all, just someone stating their opinion strongly. So keep it coming!

    Hadley Stern had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 114
  • And then you start calling people sycophants and zeolots just be to a bigger ass.

    Nope, I’m calling them that because they ARE sycophants and zealots.  And believe me, I wish that weren’t true.  I also wish it were possible to post without licking Apple’s butt without being called a troll.  But you can’t have everything.

    And, for the record, I believe most of us have never given a damn what kind of chip was under the hood as long as we don’t have to give up OS X and it helps Apple grows marketshare.  ,b>I think most Mac users haven’t cared all that much about the announcement.</b>

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Classic.  That’s the reality distortion field we all know and love.

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 2220
  • Beeblebrox, I stopped posting in that thread for a while because I got sick of your own brand of zealotry.

    That’s like saying that someone who hates racism is also a racist.  Me constantly attacking zealotry is not zealotry.  It’s ANTI-zealotry.  And if Mac zealotry did not exist, I wouldn’t have to harp it on like I do.  But it does.  And pointing out the ridiculous logical backflips, backtracking, and word-eating of Mac fanatics goes on.

    Second of all, I’m sorry that this place isn’t a soothing bath of sycophants and everyone agreeing with YOUR “brand of zealotry,” but one of the things I like about this site is the fact that it is, in most ways, an actual IRREVERANT look at Apple, which in my case often means looking at a product like this and asking how the sycophants (re: you) might react if Microsoft released this same product.  Would you bend over backwards to praise it or would you bend over backwards to attack it?  Is the defense of the Mighty Mouse really about the features or is it about the brand?

    My comment was that bundling a multi-button mouse was a bad decision.

    And when they do, you think it will be a bad business decision, right?  Or will the criteria shift yet again?  “My comment was that bundling it and causing competing mice to burst into flames would be the bad business decision.”

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 2220
  • Zealot - a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

    Beeblebrox, that describes your behavior quite accurately.  Now I have one last thing to say to you: grow up.

    lavar78 had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 38
  • The Trojan Mouse would have been a better name for the Mighty Mouse. It looks like a single-button mouse… feels like one… acts like one by default…

    I should have added one more line to this article. Where I said
    This Apple is about making great products that really are accessible to everyone. That is the key. That is Apple 2005.

    I should have also said: “Whilst still accomodating the long time Mac users.”

    This mouse does that but I personally think it is the Trojan Mouse to a full multi-button mouse. It is the bridge. I suspect if we’re still using mice in 5 years time, the Apple mouse of 2010 will be obviously multibutton - not disguised.

    Chris Howard had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 1209
  • Lavar, I’m glad your fake outrage still allows you to control your fingers enough to look up words in a dictionary, but I don’t think you got around to actually reading the definition.

    For me to be a zealot would require me to have a “religious, political, or other ideal” to be fanatical about.  And “I don’t like Mac zealotry” is not any of those.  Your religious devotion to all things Apple, however, certainly qualifies.

    I will say, however, that the zealots act more like political partisans than religious ones, although religion itself resembles partisan politics so much nowadays that you could be considered both.  You’re like the religious right of computers.  You’re an Apple worshipper who identies with the Apple religion, but your advocacy is more political in nature.

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 2220
  • I suspect if we’re still using mice in 5 years time, the Apple mouse of 2010 will be obviously multibutton - not disguised.

    You think it’ll take that long?

    I don’t think there’s any question this mouse will become the default Mac mouse.  Otherwise, why bother making it a single-button mouse at all?  Mac users who want them already have them by default (unless you buy a Mac mini, of course, but if so you’re probably a budget user not likely to spend $50 on a mouse anyway).

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 2220
  • Btw, lavar, I’m the computer equivalent of an agnostic.  I use both platforms and believe that both have something to offer to different kinds of users.  Both are very stable, easy to use, and nice to look at.  I like some things better about OS X and some things better about XP.  If I buy an mp3 player it will probably be an Ipod, although I have considered the advantages of the competition as well.  I don’t think the Might Mouse is particularly innovative and I do think it’s overpriced.

    ONLY to a Mac zealot could any of that be considered zealotry.

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 2220
  • Before: Apple sucks because they haven’t released a multi-button mouse.

    After:  Apple’s multi-button mouse sucks. Everyone else has had one for years.

    I don’t see anything particularly contradictory there.  Basically, Apple finally releases what everyone else has been using for decades.  And when they do, they act like they’ve just invented the wheel (or the scroll wheel, as it were).

    If you have a problem understanding this criticism, then imagine it’s Microsoft and they’ve just included a feature in Vista that Apple has had for five years.  Oh, and imagine this news was reported at MDN.

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 2220
  • I have to hand it to you.  You’re the best kind of troll, because I still can’t decide whether you’re being serious or not.  You’re not a zealot because you don’t like Mac “zealotry”; you’re a zealot because you label people “zealots” when they disagree with you.  Your ideal is that people who disagree with you WRT Apple are zealots.  Someone likes the one-button mouse?  He must be a zealot.  Someone thinks the iPod is still the best MP3 player?  Zealot.  Someone thinks the Mighty Mouse scroll ball is innovative?  He must be a zealot.  Someone doesn’t like Windows XP?  Zealot.  You’re almost a caricature.

    BTW, Beeblebrox, I prefer Apple computers.  I have used both major platforms and believe that Apple has more to offer me.  OS X is more stable, easier to use, and nicer to look at IMO.  Once the iPod debuted, I dumped my clunky Creative Nomad Jukebox and have been enjoying portable music ever since.  I think the scroll ball and the one-/multi-button modes of the Mighty Mouse are innovative.  I think it’s slightly overpriced.  As you already know, I own both a one-button and a two-button mouse.  I prefer the one-button mouse because it feels better to me.

    ONLY to a zealot could any of that be considered Mac zealotry.

    lavar78 had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 38
  • I’ve said it before elsewhere and I’ll say it again here, I really don’t think Beeblebox is a troll! If he is he has a lot of time on his hands. See the Users With Most Comments on the left hand side? Beeblebox is number one. And, as the publisher of this site I have to say his comments are almost always great. In-depth and well-thought out. And his viewpoint is consistent. Yes the Mac rules, but it isn’t the be all and end of of computing. Yes Apple is a great company, but not every product they put out is a home-run. Rather than a troll I would call beeblebox a critic. And I welcome his viewpoint to Apple Matters.

    Hadley Stern had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 114
  • His viewpoint would be fine if it didn’t come with all the name-calling crap and the baseless assumptions of other people’s opinions.  He’s a troll as far as I’m concerned because he doesn’t value the views of others.  He apparently has a very hard time understanding that, no matter how many times he says them, his opinions will never be facts.

    lavar78 had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 38
  • Well said Hadley, very well said.  If it weren’t for Beeblebrox I really doubt anyone here would take a ‘cup half empty’ viewpoint on anything Mac related at all, or if they did it would be very rarely.  I just got done reading a post in which he actually said something to the effect of “If OS X ever does become the dominant OS….” and I really do see that the only thing he is really against is being an all out lemming.  Then again, I might just have a new appreciation for him since my (they never crash!) iMac has crashed on me 5 times today and my dreams of a Mac Mini Media Center connected to the TV has been squashed by the Mac’s complete inability to support MPEG-4 variations.

    dickrichards2000 had this to say on Aug 04, 2005 Posts: 112
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